Plague: A Quarantine Poem

This, oh this, is so hard to take
Life was already so difficult
But now I feel the shards of me falling to the floor
Shimmering, shattering, dry shore.
Bare shelves, emptiness
Empty streets, emptiness inside me
Time slips by like a ghost
You can feel it, but it doesn't feel quite real
The world, still a blur
I begin to understand
Why some hide, some run, some fear the worst.
This disease, also a ghost
Some believe it, some don't
And some don't even know who's right.
Hide, run, fear the worst
Cry plague, ringing your bell through the street
Stay at a distance of not six, but twenty feet
Shout what you want to say
But it still might not keep the plague away
The best and worst things are always infectious
But viruses spread easier when not detected
Is the outbreak one of sickness, ignorance or hate?
Perhaps all, but we only lose our minds when we're all at risk
Hate has also taken many lives
Remember that, but we must fight this off, too
Knowledge will save more than any vaccine
The more truth you spread, the less room for lies
As for me, I'll wash my hands and hope for the best.


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